ABOUT PAGE/ “about me”

I love watching vlogs and dream to be a vlogger someday. I am not fun of movies, it’s not that I hate movies I’m just not fun of it. I can paint and I love painting but I’m not that much creative. I love books, sometimes I read it but it really depends on my mood. I really love staying at home and be alone all the times, or be with foods because obviously I really am fun of foods. For a tropical country like Philippines, Cold weather days is the best days for me. Cold weather while cuddling with the most important thing in my life, which is my pillow makes me feel so good.

I don’t smoke. I don’t party and go out every friday night. I love canceled plans. And I love staying at home. These things builds my personality. Personality of an introverts like me.

The Lorax movie review

The Lorax movie is not just a good movie because of its humor and the cuteness of the characters. Lorax movie is a great lesson for us people. It gives us lesson about cutting down trees and shows us the importance of the trees in our environment.  This movie shows us how the world would turn out when we loss all the trees, and the animals that would be affected. People these days should watch this movie because as the modernization grows up, our natural resources puts at risk especially the trees.

This movie is good for children, at the young age children should be educated and be aware about the importance of the trees. We should take good care with our natural resources not just for our own sake but also for the sake of the next  generations. 

Experienced Cebu with me

It was so amazing to experience and get the chance to be in the famous Simala church in Cebu. Simala church is known for its castle-like church. The view of the church made my jaw drop. You will see people leaving their shoes outside before entering the church. I was so amazed for the respect they gave to the church. Inside the church I saw letters, testimonies, pictures sharing their miraculous experienced and how thankful they are because it is the church who helped them healed their sickness. It was so heart breaking to read some of the testimonies and letters that was wrote by so many people. I also saw wheelchairs that was displayed after the owner got heeled. I was so inspired during that time and it makes me write my wishes to and I drop it to the prayers box. A simple travel trip with a meaningful experience.